Electronic cigarettes - New legislation & Timing

Examples not allowed: Red Fruit / Green Apple / Menthol Tobacco / Strawberry-Apple / ... 

Examples allowed: Strawberry / Apple / Ice / ... but therefore also Green Leafs / Red Forest / Mountain Gold / ...


This decree shall enter into force six months after its publication in the Belgian National Gazette on January 11, 2023, except for retailers for whom the decree shall enter into force twelve months after its publication.

Concretely : As of July 11, 2023, wholesalers may no longer offer products that do not meet the above obligations. Retailers still have until January 11, 2024 to sell out the stock they still have!

SOURCE: Publication of the Royal Decree on the website of the Belgian National Gazette http://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/cgi/welcome.pl

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